Saint Thomas the Apostle is incorporated into the revelation of Jesus’ resurrection in a particularly relevant way. There was one, even among the Apostles, who didn’t seem to receive everything he needed to become fully convinced of the resurrection. If all the other Apostles received a visit from the risen Christ, why should he be expected to believe without that visit? We should try to understand the heart of Saint Thomas: if the Lord and Teacher he followed for years seems to have excluded him, there must be some degree of hurt or incomprehension. “I thought Jesus loved me, why did He appear to everyone else while I was away?”
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The human heart is this most noble and precious organ from which life and love flow like blood through our veins. Our heart is our hidden core, our most important, intimate, and personal identity. If you never discover someone’s heart, you will never really know them – and even when you’ve known and loved someone for a long time their heart remains hidden like a secret that they must choose to reveal again and again and you must choose to rediscover constantly. Our heart remains hidden within our body, and it is only by loving and becoming vulnerable that it can be know by others.