Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time


[The Greeks] speak of trespass as the first step toward sin. It is when a secret thought steals in, and, though we offer a measure of collusion, it does not yet drive us on to ruin.… But sin is something else. It is when the collusion is actually completed and reaches its goal.1


Paul encourages them by including himself with them. “Among these,” he says, “we all once lived.” All are included. It is not possible to say that anyone is exempted.2


These are the true riches of God’s mercy, that even when we did not seek it mercy was made known through his own initiative.… This is God’s love to us, that having made us he did not want us to perish. His reason for making us was that he might love what he had made, seeing that no one hates his own workmanship.3


Since he rose, we hope that we too shall rise. He himself [by his rising] has paid our debt. Then Paul explains more plainly how great the gift is: “You are saved by grace.” For it is not because of the excellence of our lives that we have been called but because of the love of our Savior.4


The sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared with the future glory that will be revealed in us. If so, we are saved by grace rather than works, for we can give God nothing in return for what he has bestowed on us.5


Do not rely on your own efforts but on the grace of Christ. “You are,” says the apostle, “saved by grace. Therefore it is not a matter of arrogance here but faith when we celebrate: We are accepted! This is not pride but devotion.”6


  1. Epistle to the Ephesians 1.2.1 seq.
  2. Homily on Ephesians 2.3.
  3. Epistle to the Ephesians 2.4.
  4. Epistle to the Ephesians 2.4.5.
  5. Epistle to the Ephesians 1.2.1.
  6. On the Sacraments 5.4.19.
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