First Sunday of Lent


‘The fact that God Himself would look at the bow and remember His covenant, was “a glorious and living expression of the great truth, that God’s covenant signs, in which He has put His promises, are real vehicles of His grace, that they have power and essential worth not only with men, but also before God”’1

“The Hebrew term for a rainbow is the same term used for a hunting (27:3) or military bow (Lam 2:4). This has given rise to different explanations of the sign. (1) Some see the rainbow as a sign of peace. They picture God hanging up his bow in the sky, retiring it from service and signifying that he has ended his battle with the sinful world. (2) Others interpret the rainbow as a sign of God’s covenant oath. They envision the bow pulled back and pointed up at heaven, signifying that God will be forever faithful to his pledge, for he threatens himself with a curse should he fail to uphold the terms of the Noahic covenant.”2

“The water of the flood is a type of baptism because it both punished evil people and saved the good, just as baptism expels evil spirits and saves those who turn to Christ. This shows the great power of baptism, and how much we need it.”3


  1. Commentary on the Old Testament, Carl Friedrich Keil; O. v. Gerlach
  2. Genesis: With Introduction, Commentary, and Notes, Scott Hand and Curtis Mitch; The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, 2010
  3. Andreas, Catena.
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