Monday of Holy Week


“He is like a skillful physician, understanding the weakness of each one. The ignorant he loves to teach. The erring he turns again to his own true way. By those who live by faith he is easily found. To those of pure eye and holy heart, who desire to knock at the door, he opens immediately. For he casts away none of his servants as unworthy of the divine mysteries. He does not esteem the rich person more highly than the poor, nor does he despise the poor person for his poverty. He does not disdain the barbarian, nor does he set the eunuch aside as no man.”1

“[The abbot] must be aware of his own frailty and remember that it is forbidden to break the already bruised reed. We do not mean that he should countenance the growth of vice but that he use discretion and tenderness as he sees it expedient for the different characters of his brothers. He is to endeavor much more to be loved than to be feared.”2



  1. Hippolytus, On the Antichrist 3.  Elliott, M. W. (Ed.). (2007). Isaiah 40–66 (p. 33). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
  2. Benedict, Rule of St. Benedict 64.  Elliott, M. W. (Ed.). (2007). Isaiah 40–66 (p. 35). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
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