Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, virgin

The ultimate end of our lives, as proposed by Jesus Himself, appeals to every human heart.  Kateri was humble in her requests to be admitted to the sacraments of initiation, but from the time the seeds of faith had been planted in her heart by her mother, a deep longing for God was begun that drove her – despite her shyness – to ask to receive them.  The faith was never imposed on Kateri – she was not forced to abandon her Native American beliefs.  The message of faith brought her heart to an intimate relationship not with a great spirit, but with the man-God.  Kateri tasted this Love in such a radical way, that the sufferings she could endure liberated her spirit to cling only to that Love.  Her love for mortification brought her to an early death, but her love for Jesus brought her a fullness of life even before she died. read more

Friday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

The Lord has given us words.  These words lead us back to His presence, to the truth about Him, and why we are here.  The words of revelation have an incredible power to bring us back to the path of truth and salvation.  To follow where the words lead us force us to let go of the thoughts, practices, or words that are incompatible but have become part of our way of life.  In all of this, in the pain of our conscience, the guilt and the shame, God reaches out gently and lovingly.  His words purify, clarify, and give us the space to respond freely.  Our response to these words is an act both inspired by and carried by grace.  Grace allows the disciples of Christ to respond humbly and confidently in times of persecution.  Those who are concerned about preserving their human and earthly life at all costs, who see death as the ultimate evil, are unable to cooperate with the consoling grace of God. read more

Thursday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Apostles are sent to bring peace.  Peace only finds a place in a home where people who are truly listening dwell.  Who is worthy of peace?  Who is worthy of the Gospel?  The one who receives humbly whoever the Lord sends them.  The attitude of a humble servant who is able to listen and learn from the messengers of God will earn him also the gift of peace.  We don’t need to be overly worried or prepared ahead of time if we rely on God’s Providence.  Prudence requires us to think ahead, but never so well and so far that God would only be getting in the way.  Coming to rely fully on God’s Providence will increase within us the gift of sacred peace.  The world cannot give this peace, because the world only produces an incomplete and superficial version.  The peace of the world is the calm between storms; the peace of Christ is given in the midst of storms: His Providence will only be made more perfect by the storm. read more